Ministry of Higher Education,
Labour and Skills Development
Republic of Maldives
Scholarships & Loans
Scholarships & Loans
Maldives Higher Education Act
Maldives Higher Education Act
Mathee Thauleemaai Thamreenudhey Marukazuthah Registry Koh Hingumuge Gavaaidhu
Dhivehiraajjeygai College Thakaai Institutethah Hingumuge Gavaaidhu
Maldives Qualifications Authority Ge Advisory Board Hingumaa Behey Gavaaidhu
Maldives Qualifications Authorityge Qur’aan Panel Ge Hingaa Gavaaidhu
Mathee Thauleemaai Thamreenuge Mauloomaathu Foarukohdhinumuge Gavaaidhu
Maldives National Qualifications Framework Ah A’malukurumuge Gavaaidhu
National Trade Testing And Certification Ge Gavaaidhu
Mathee Thauleemaai Thamreenudhey Marukazuthakaa Beheygothun Hushahalhaa Shakuvaathah Belumugai A’malukureene Gothuge Gavaaidhu
Sanadhuthakuge Fenvaru Belumuge Gavaaidhu
Dhivehiraajjeygai University Registry Koh Hingumaa Behey Gavaaidhu
Mathee Thauleemaai Thamreenuge Dhaairaagai Beynukuraa Nanthah Kiyumuge Gavaaidhu
Dhaulathuge Idhaaraathakun Mathee Thauleemaai Thamreenuge Programthah Hingumuge Gavaaidhu
Employment Sector Council Thakuge Gavaaidhu
Mathee Thauleemaai Thamreenuge Programthah Hingumaa Behey Gavaaidhu
Program Accreditation Gavaaidhu
Program Audit Gavaaidhu
Institutional Audit Gavaaidhu
Maldives Qualifications Authorityge Teacher Education Panelge Hingaa Gavaaidhu
Dhivehiraajjein Beyruge Faraaiythakun Dhivehiraajjeygai Mathee Thauleemu Foarukohdhey Marukazuthah Registry Koh Hingumuge Gavaaidhu
Dhivehiraajjeygai College Thakaai Institute thah Hingumuge Gavaaidhu ah 2 Vana Islaahu Genaumuge Gavaaidhu
Dharivarun Enrol Kurumaai Kiyavaidhinumaa Behey Usoolu
Dharivarun Enroll Kurumaai Kiyavaidhinumaa Behey Usoolu ah 1 Vana Islaahu Genaumuge Usoolu
Raajjein Beyruga Mathee Thauleemudhey Maruzukazuthakuge Doctoral Degree Gaboolukuraane Gothuge Usoolu
Sustainable and Integrated Labour Services (SAILS)
Environmental and Social Management Framework
Industrial Relations
Union Registration Form (Form 1)
Industrial Relations - Law
Regulation for Establishing Procedures for the Registration and Governance of unions (R-562024)
New Union Registration Form (Form 2)
Federation Registration Form (Form 3)
Union Registry
Skills for a Resilient Workforce Scheme
Revised SFRW Stipend Policy
Stipend Agreement
A brief overview report by Heritance Aarah about the training of SFRW interns
Guideline for easy up actions for HEIs
Guideline for easy up actions for HEIs
Dhivehiraajjein beyrugai kiyavamundhaa dharivarunge therein, covid-19ge balimadukamaa gulhigen haalugai jehifaivaa dharivarunnah faisaage ehee dhinumuge usoolu
Dhivehiraajjein beyrugai kiyavamundhaa dharivarunge therein, covid-19ge balimadukamaa gulhigen haalugai jehifaivaa dharivarunnah faisaage ehee dhinumuge usoolu
Financial Aid Request Form
Furathama Degree Scheme
Furathama Degree Scheme ge Usool
Furathama Degree Scheme ge Usoolu ge Jadhuval
Statement regarding changes to the payment component (in MyEdu Portal) of First Degree Grant Scheme
First Degree FAQ
Raajje Aai Rajje In Beyrun Mathee Thauleemaai Thamreen Hoadhan Loanu Dhinumuge Usool
Loan Procedure with checklist
Higher Education Loan Scheme - Faisaa dhookurumah edhey form
Annex 2 - Approved Country List
Procedure to change Country and University
Scholarships - Criteria & Other Documents
General eligibility criteria for diploma and higher level courses
Point system for merit scholarships
Skill shortage list updated on 04-Jan-2017
President Award scholarship Usool
High Achievers' Scholarship Usool
Mathee Thauleemai Thamreen Haasilkurumah Libey Furusathuge Beynun Nuhifai Dhookolla Faraaithakamedhugaiyyai, Khidhumah Nukuraa Faraaithakaamedu Amalukuraane Gothuge Usool
Corporate Scholarship Scheme Usool
Bond Usoolu
Ministry of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development Allowance and Stipend Rates
Scholarship Calendar 2022 - 2023
Departure Booklet - Scholarship 2023
Scholarships - Regulations
Attest/Accredit kurumaa behey Iulaan
Supplementary Allowance Loan Usoolu 30 September 2014
Registration of Students
Amihla gothun kiyavandhaa kudhinge registration form
Registration of Higher - Tertiary Education
Institute / College registry kurumah edhey form
Registered Colleges and Institutes as of 25.09.2024
Re-registeration form for Higher Education Institution and Colleges
Dhaulathuge Idhaaraathakuge Institute/ College Re-registration Form
Dhaulathuge Idhaaraathakuge Institute/College registry kurumah edhey form
Higher Education Statistics
Higher Education Statistics format 2019
Higher Education Statistics Format 2019 Iulaan
Training Needs Assessment for Local Councils
Immediate impact of COVID-19 on HEIs
School leavers and their career choice
Inclusivity good practice guideline
Annual Higher Education Statistics 2019
locally available higher education programmes 2021
Government Training Requirements 2021-2023
Statistics Booklet 2019-2023
Enhancing Employment Through Human Capital and Entrepreneurship Development
Environmental & Social Management Framework
Civil Service Job Application Form
Sexual Harassment Issues Reporting Committee and Gender Equality Issues Reporting Committee
Gender Equality Policy
Complaints Form
Issue Reporting Committee
Ministry of Higher Education Employees Salary Details
Sexual Harassment Committee and Gender Equality member committee.
Mathee Thauleemaai thamreenudhey marukazuthakaai beheygothun hushahalhaa shakuvaathah belumah edhey form
Mathee Thauleemaai thamreenuge mauloomaathu foarukohdhinumah edhey form
Attestation Form