
Ministry of Higher Education, Labour, and Skills Development Engages in BMI/THE International Scholarship Forum
Published: 09/05/2024

The Ministry of Higher Education, Labour, and Skills Development participated in the international scholarship forum, BMI/THE, which was dedicated to scholarship organizations, colleges, universities, and other educational institutes worldwide.

The forum was held in London from May 4th to 7th, 2024, aiming to improve relationships between educational institutes, scholarship forums, and to discuss ways to create higher educational opportunities.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Labour, and Skills Development was represented by the Assistant Director of the Student Loan Section, Mariyam Mohamed, and the Assistant Director of the Scholarship Section, Mariyam Samrath. Major points discussed in the forum included collaborating with various colleges and universities to develop and conduct research for short-term and long-term courses, as well as conducting staff exchange programs.

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